Skyrim x TribeOne
We are excited to partner with Skyrim, the first multichain decentralized structured finance marketplace. With this partnership, we aim to provide users with the feature of yield farming where they can store $HAKA and have access to a variety of tokens on the Skyrim platform like Ethereum, Binance chain and PolkaDot.
The objective of Skyrim Finance is to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted returns through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.
Partnership highlights:
- Yield farming
Yield farming is the practice of staking or lending crypto assets to generate high returns or rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency. Users will have access to the feature of yield farming, where they can stake $HAKA and earn other multichain tokens like Ethereum, Binance chain and PolkaDot available on their platform.
- Multiple structured financial products like:
i. Fixed-rate APY: Our users will get fixed-rate APY without standard risk.
ii. Leveraged APY: Our community will get higher yield farming APY with high leverage.
Skyrim Finance is a futuristic ecosystem of DeFi products with a risk-adjusted return. We will use a multitude of strategies to optimize yield through both fixed APY vaults and yield farming opportunities.
“We aim to provide our users with a DeFi ecosystem where they have access to a wide variety of features. With Skyrim, we enable our users to have access to the feature of yield farming where they can farm their $HAKA tokens.”
-Mehdi Suleman, CEO and Founder of TribeOne
“I believe that partnering with TribeOne is a joint action, moving toward a larger goal. Both teams share so much in common that we would have a better chance of making a difference in that DeFi world together.”
-The Ops and Marketing Director of Skyrim Finance, Johnny Lee
About Skyrim Finance
Skyrim Finance is the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Marketplace. Skyrim Finance aims to build the Robo-Advisor of the DeFi ecosystem. The objective of Skyrim Finance is to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted returns through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.
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About TribeOne
TribeOne is the world’s first AI-powered decentralized financial platform backed with RAROC (Risk-Adjusted Returns On Crypto) technology. TribeOne is an NFT, lending, borrowing, saving, and credit risk platform that offers a seamless experience; toall the users through its innovative consumer-centric products. The platform will break barriers in the traditional financial ecosystem and revolutionize the DeFi sphere as a whole. Providing the community with a platform to lend, borrow and invest in crypto assets and NFTs. Therefore, offering an unconventional experience for all.